Net Finance 2016 (past event)

April 18 - 20, 2016

Contact Us: 1.888.482.6012

Lee-Lin Thye, Senior Product Marketing Manager at Symantec

Lee-Lin Thye

Senior Product Marketing Manager

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Customer Experience and B2B

Thursday, January 4th, 2018

09:40 Making Mobile Banking “Personal" Banking

According to an annual survey by Federal Reserve, mobile banking adoption has crept up from to 52% from 51% a year ago. Affirmations to adopt mobile banking from the users who are currently not using it are also down from 11% from 12%. Yet, mobile phones that are smartphones have gone up from 61% to 71% in the past year, a jump of 10%. What are consumers looking for in the next level of interaction to make it even easier for them to adopt mobile banking? How do businesses attract more mobile phone users and increase loyalty, and how do they increase adoption of the technology with their nonmobile banking users?
• Why do some users not adopt mobile banking
• What would be the next level of banking
• What are privacy and security issues to consider